Seichim Healing Adelaide

Seichim Healing performed in Adelaide at Healing for Happiness

What is seichim healing?

Healing for Happiness offers Adelaide residents the sacred practice of seichim healing. 

Heal your body and mind using energy, with seichim healing.

Healing for Happiness in Adelaide, provides seichim healing, an advanced form of spiritual healing. Seichim comes from the Egyptian word Sekhem which means “The power of power”. This healing treatment is an ancient and sacred practice that works as a hands-on treatment, passing healing energy to you from the practitioner. This is a soft but powerful healing tool with sounds and symbols to balance and harmonise your physical and mental bodies. 

Contact us today to experience this powerful healing method.

An Adelaide woman ponders new possibilities after a seichim healing session

What are the benefits of seichim healing?

Unlock your potential with seichim healing at Healing for Happiness. 

Healing for Happiness Adelaide use seichim healing to help maximise your mind and body’s full potential. Seichim healing allows you to unwind from the hustle and bustle of life and refocuses your energy to be in a completely relaxed state. Your physical body, as well as your mental mind, are essential for producing your spiritual energy. When your mental mind is blocked, physical and mental roadblocks stop us from achieving your goals. Seichim treatment allows you to connect to your higher self to form a spiritual connection and overcome emotional and mental concerns, enabling you to live a more fulfilled life.

Alison Chapman - Seichim Healing practitioner Adelaide

Who is seichim healing for?

Balance your emotional and spiritual bodies with seichim healing at Healing for Happiness Adelaide.

We can provide seichim healing in conjunction with your reiki treatment.   

Healing for Happiness in Goodwood, Adelaide, can provide seichim healing in conjunction with their reiki healing treatment. These treatments work together to balance and harmonise a person’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. At Healing for Happiness, we treat people from all backgrounds and ages, and we can even treat children. We provide you with a safe and nurturing environment to maximise the benefits of your treatment.

 Balance your energy and live to your full potential. Contact us today to book your seichim healing treatment.