Taking the first step to healing is brave and courageous and you should be proud that you are putting yourself first.

Taking the first step to healing is brave and courageous and you should be proud that you are putting yourself first.


Ali Chapman - Professional counselling  services

Integrated sessions –
what to expect

Taking the first step to healing is brave and courageous and you should be proud that you are putting yourself first.

All of Ali’s sessions are about you as an individual and will start with a chat about what is going on for you that is causing you stress, pain, confusion, fear or emptiness. Through the conversation we can discover and implement the right healing journey for you which could be a combination of psychotherapy, counselling, reiki, crystal and sound therapy, Relationships counselling, hypnotherapy, Age/Past life regression, Mental Health Plan with Medicare Rebates, Family Constellations, or just one of these modalities. Together we can work out what is right and comfortable for you.

Medicare Mental Health Plan: $200 per hour with $85 Medicare Rebate
Combination Sessions: $150 per 90 minutes

Psychotherapy/ Counselling/ Mental Health Plans with Medicare Rebate

Ali has over 10 years’ experience practicing in the helping professions. She is passionate in assisting people to overcome obstacles and achieve wellness and balance in their lives. With a Batchelor Degree of Social Work and Social Planning, Master’s Degree in Psychotherapy and Counselling, and Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and Counsellor, her focus is on empowering others with a holistic approach in order to heal and live their most enriching and meaningful life.

Psychotherapy reaches all levels and can get to the absolute core issues that prevent you from reaching your highest potential which helps you understand your responses and the emotions behind them.

Ali can help and support you navigate through lifes challenges utilising her extensive experience and holistic approach to counselling.

Mental Health Plan: $200 per hour with a $85 Medicare Rebate

Alison Chapman Reiki Master

Reiki / Energy Healing

Reiki is a Universal Life Energy (REI: “higher power”. KI: Life Force Energy) that is channelled through the practitioner to the client, and is a gentle way to enhance our emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and is known to be an effective way of treating illness, depression and trauma. Reiki can shift negative energies and thought patterns, reducing pain and clearing the body, mind, and our chakras (which we have over 100). Reiki can help improve and balance your energies, alleviate fears, addictions and improve and stimulate your natural immunity, sleep and natural healing within the body. Reiki can help you to understand how your belief system can affect the ideas in the mental body, and how that can affect your emotions, the etheric body, and then the physical body.

Ali offers an intuitively guided combination of Reiki, Auset Temple Healing (Egyptian method of deep healing) Seichim, Crystal and Sound Therapies, depending on your individual needs. Oracle card readings are also available.

Reiki can work alongside psychotherapy and other healing modalities that Ali offers, to provide a holistic approach to your healing journey.

Price: $160 for 90 minutes

Alison Chapman Children Reiki

Reiki for children

Children are just like adults and can carry stress, fear and anxiety around in their bodies and their thought processes. Healings can help them to understand how we are all connected and how powerful our thoughts can be. It can help to alleviate and calm their minds and bodies and give them tools to help themselves in times of stress.

Price: $100 for 60 minutes

Alison Chapman Singing Bowls

Clinical and Holistic Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a powerful, enlightening, and safe experience for personal and spiritual growth. Each issue is understood in relation to the whole person, and the whole person is seen in relationship to the world in which the person lives. Hypnosis is an entirely natural state which involves going into a relaxed focused state of awareness. Ali combines hypnosis with a nurturing energy healing to help clear away old programming, trauma and pain and suffering. Holistic Hypnotherapy can help in many areas of one’s life: PTSD, Anxiety/fear, blocked emotions, addictions, age and past life regression, weight loss, grief and loss, and much more.

Ali provides an intuitive, nurturing, calm and supportive space to help settle into a deeply relaxed state.

Price: $260 for 90 minutes

Alison Chapman Relationship Counselling

Relationship Counselling

It is okay to need help at times in our relationships. It’s actually very courageous and brave to walk into a strangers practice and start talking about your personal life! Taking the time to put yourself and your relationship first can be a very difficult and overwhelming situation in your life. By doing this, you are opening the door to healing yourself on many levels, and can help sort through your thoughts and feelings in a safe environment. Working on our emotional intelligence is a skill that all couples (and individuals) can work on to help us better understand, honour and respect each other.

Ali provides a nurturing space to help explore our understanding of ourselves and how we interact with others, our triggers, our emotions, our childhood and the connection to our adult self and our adult relationships.

Price: $230 for 90 minutes

Alison Chapman Singing Bowls

Auset Temple Healing

Auset Healing is a system of Spiritual Energy Healing based on Ancient Egyptian Healing Methods and Alchemy taught by the late Elisabeth Jensen. It is a hands-on system of healing using a high frequency healing energy that works at the soul and Akashic record level. This can clear karmic blocks at a very deep level, including clearing and activating Divine Seed Pearls where Karmic energy memory is stored. Healing at this level can be for major and minor physical disorders plus difficult situations in our lives. Further reconnection to the 12 stand DNA also occurs within the physical body.

Price: $140 for 90 minutes

Seichim Healing

Seichim comes from the Egyptian word Sekhem which means “The power of power”. Seichim is ancient and sacred. It is an advanced form of hands on healing having sounds and symbols and is the parent energy of all hands-on healing systems. Seichim is a soft yet powerful energy that amplifies the connection to one’s higher self and the Heart Chakra, which is most beneficial for working with emotional and mental levels or concerns, as well as a higher spiritual connection. Seichim is the embodiment of the feminine and is often accompanied by the Goddess Sekhmet and Kuan Yin.

Reiki (masculine) and Seichim work together as a unified duality of sacred healing energies used to balance and harmonise a person’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Price: $160 for 90 minutes